The National Academies

ACRP Synthesis 11-03/Topic S02-16 [Final (Synthesis)]

Airport Community, Water Quality Events, and the Aircraft Drinking Water Rule
[ ACRP 11-03 (Synthesis of Information Related to Airport Practices) ]

  Project Data
Funds: $45,000
Authorization to Begin Work: 11/23/2015 -- estimated
Staff Responsibility: Gail R. Staba
Research Agency: The Cadmus Group, Inc.
Principal Investigator: Donna Jensen
Effective Date: 5/15/2016
Completion Date: 1/22/2018
Fiscal Year: 2016

TRB's Airport Cooperative Research Program (ACRP) Synthesis 88: Airport Community, Water Quality Events, and the Aircraft Drinking Water Rule explores how airports, airlines, ground service providers, and ice and food caterers as well as other food service establishments can take measures to ensure that their operations have safe drinking water. Receiving prompt and accurate information about a drinking water quality event allows airport management and tenants to address and mitigate potential adverse effects. Airlines have reported that it is often difficult for them to obtain information about a drinking water quality event and determine if it affects an airport they serve. This report will provide airport management with the ability to distribute essential information and minimize the time it takes for notification of an event to reach the airport’s tenants.

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